Thursday 11 June 2015

Principals Awards

A big congratulations to Sean and Alexa who both won Principals Awards at Assembly today. 

Sean Wilson – for being an independent learner in M11 by always challenging yourself, having a go and taking risks. We love how you always choose to jump in the learning pit.

Alexa Anso-Palmer – for being an enthusiastic learner in M11 by choosing tasks to complete based on your learning needs. You show others in our class how cool learning is.  

Thursday 4 June 2015

Principals Awards

Congratulations to Sahar and Jack who both received principals awards at assembly today. 

Jack Crosbie – For working so hard to become an independent learner in M11. You have started to take responsibility for your own learning and are making sensible choices about what tasks or activities to complete to achieve your learning goals.

Sahar Hossein – For demonstrating the value of passion in the classroom. You are an enthusiastic reader and writer who is becoming more independent. We are proud of the way you never give up even when it gets tricky. 

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Jack's Writing

In M11 we have been learning to write descriptions. We have been trying to include adjectives and similes in our writing to help create a picture in the readers mind. Today our writing task was to design an imaginary beast and describe it. We think Jack did a great job. Here is what he wrote...

The beast, slimy, scary and 
three eyed slipped 
along the roof tops and ate 
everything in sight. 
People say its fangs can kill 
you in one bite. 
His wings take flight at night. 